Dear Music Lovers,
Clara Li was born in Hong Kong and raised in Canada. She loved listening to pop songs on the radio and her family's high-fidelity (Hi-Fi) system since she was young, and it inspired her to compose music and write lyrics whenever she had spare time. She also played the piano, flute and clarinet and was invited to sing solo for school productions, singing competitions and charity events throughout high school and university. While she indulged in her musical versatility, deep down, Clara knew that singing was her true calling and ultimate passion.
After a long hiatus focusing on her career and family, Clara rekindled her zeal for music, embarking on a decade-long journey in pursuit of her dream to produce her own album. Clara is writing a new musical chapter with her debut Hi-Fi Pop album, "If You Could Believe", a reimagination of some of her favorite and greatest pop songs from the past few decades. This album is a soulful reach out to discerning audiophiles and music enthusiasts. Collaborating with Hong Kong's much-revered producer, Andrew Tuason, Clara was inspired to add her personal flavor to the maestro’s eclectic arrangement of these timeless hits.
Clara is also immensely honored to have worked with the late legendary multi-Grammy Award-winner Al Schmitt and his longtime friend and esteemed producer/engineer, Niko Bolas. These legends captured the distinctive textures in Clara's voice through the elusive sound they engineered. The album, which turned out to be Al's last project, was finally brought to life with the mastering engineer Eric Boulanger's magical finishing touches. At last, Clara’s vision of producing an album with the highest sonic quality came to fruition. By combining the essence of both audiophile and pop music, this album is presented and differentiated as “HiFi Pop”.
The final and title track “If You Could Believe” is an original song with deep personal resonance for Clara. It sings the inner voice that has helped her gather the strength and courage to realize her lifelong dream of making music. This song is a love letter to anyone who dares to dream — follow your passion and always believe in yourself.
“Amid all the fears and insecurities that hold us back, all we need is to find confidence and conviction to breathe life into the fire within us. Once ignited, that inner fire will grow, and any obstacle will melt away. Only, If You Could Believe.“
Musically yours,

Clara Li 出生於香港,在加拿大長大,她自幼便喜歡從家中的Hi-Fi及收音機收聽流行歌曲,繼而啟發她在空閒時間創作歌曲和歌詞。 她亦曾研習鋼琴、長笛和單簧管等多種樂器,並且經常應邀出席高中和大學期間的校內,外製作、歌唱比賽和慈善活動作表演嘉賓。 雖然她多才多藝,但在內心深處,Clara明白歌唱才是她的真正使命和終極熱情所在。在長期專注於事業和家庭後,Clara重新點燃了她對音樂的熱情,為了製作個人專輯的夢想,展開了長達十年的音樂旅程。通過她的視點,Clara把多首最愛和極具影響力的流行歌曲進行嶄新詮釋,她的首張Hi-Fi Pop專輯 “If You Could Believe” 正好為她的人生揭開了新的音樂篇章。本專輯是Clara對音樂和音響發燒友的深情呼喚。透過和香港備受推崇的唱片製作人杜自持Andrew Tuason的合作。Clara從中受到啟發,並且把她的個人風格融匯到這位編曲大師的經典歌曲中。Clara感到非常榮幸能與獲得多次格萊美獎項Grammy Awards,已故的傳奇Al Schmitt 與及他的老朋友和備受尊敬的製作人/工程師 Niko Bolas 合作。 通過他們的高超技藝,最終把Clara 歌聲中獨特的質感化成難以形容的天籟之音。這張AlSchmitt的最後作品,在母帶工程師Eric Boulanger的畫龍點睛下,為專輯的製作過程畫上完美句號。Clara希望製作一張具頂級音質專輯的願望終於成真。結合了發燒碟和流行曲兩者的精髓, 稱之謂 “HiFi Pop”。最後一首是原創歌曲 “If You Could Believe”,同時也是專輯的名稱。這首歌對 Clara 有著深刻的共鳴,它唱出了內心的聲音,幫助她凝聚力量和勇氣去實現她的畢生音樂夢想。 這首歌是一封獻給敢於夢想的人的真摰情書。「在所有阻礙我們前進的恐懼和不安全感中,我們僅需要找到信心和信念作為靈魂的火引。一旦燃點了內心之火,任何障礙也會隨之溶化,只要,你願意相信。」